Quarley Open Gardens and Plant Sale – Saturday 7 June 2014

Thank you to everyone from the four parishes who came to Quarley’s first open gardens and plant sale on 7 June. As a result of everyone’s tremendous support, St Michael’s Church and the Village Hall will each receive £1150. We give most particular thanks to those who donated a magnificent range of raffle prizes, supported the event with donations, discounts or waived fees, or donated cakes or plants for sale. They enabled us to make such a good final total.

After a tense wet morning, the afternoon turned out fine and brought out plenty of locals and visitors. As well as the five open gardens and the ever-successful plant sale, the scarecrow competition was a particular attraction for children. The first prize went to the schoolgirl at No 1 Etwall, second to the horse rider at Longmead House and third to the deckchair lounger in Park Lane. 

Those of us in the organising group also wish to express our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who helped out before, on and after the day with the gardens, the scarecrows, the parking, the teas, and all the other behind the scenes activities. It was a great community effort. 

Judy Venables and the team.

Photographs of the event . . .

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