Quarley Parish Council Minutes - March 2003

Minutes of the Quarley Parish Council Meeting held on Wednesday 5th March 2003 in the Village Hall Quarley at 7.30pm.

Present: Cllr Mrs J Ferguson (Chairman)
Cllr Mrs G Tubbs
Cllr Miss K Sherriff
Cllr Mr W Marshall
Richard Waterman - Parish Clerk
Borough Councillor Mr N Arnell
Mr S Cross
Mr M Venables
Mr David Preston- Amport/Monxton Web Site

WELCOME - Cllr Mrs Ferguson welcomed everyone to the meeting.

MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING - Cllr Mrs Ferguson signed the minutes of the previous meeting as a true record. Matters arising from those minutes :-

GRASS CUTTING - The Clerk reported that Test Valley start Grass Cutting in April. The Parish Council discussed grass cutting and it was agreed that Mr B Pearce from Kimpton would be asked to quote for additional cuts between the Test Valley planned cutting. The Clerk will contact Mr Pearce.

DRAINS - Cllr Mrs Ferguson reported that she had met with Mr Brian Pearce on site and that the drains giving problems in the village have been cleared. Cllr Mrs Ferguson reported that Mr Pearce did a good job and that the Parish Council must keep on top of this problem and act before the winter. The Parish Council agreed.

MIRRORS- In hand.

SMALL SCALE ENVIRONMENT AL GRANT - The Clerk reported that there has been a delay in the work programme for the Environmental Improvements Grants Projects due to the flooding repair work in the area. Test Valley have confirmed that the work will be carried out as planned.

Cllr Mrs Ferguson reported that there is some concern over suggestions by Test Valley that they will remove the Sycamores by the War Memorial as part of this project, the Clerk was asked to contact Test Valley to verify what they plan to do and to ask them not to proceed until the Parish Council have discussed the matter again.

The Clerk has met on site with the Environmental Team, the work to improve the area by the Bus Shelter by putting up a new Notice Board, Litter Bin and Fencing will be carried out as agreed. A new Wooden Bus Shelter (Parish Council to choose design) will be provided in the area by the War Memorial. No Trees are to be removed and due to financial restraints there will be no kerb installed on the corner of Park Lane.

DOG FOULING - Cllr Mrs Tubbs reported that she felt that the recent problem with dog fouling in the village has improved. The Parish Council will monitor this and if necessary contact the Test Valley Dog Warden.


Cllr Mrs Ferguson voiced concern over the future noise emitted from the A303, the increase in traffic using the A303 has been significant over the last few years. Reports in National Papers have indicated that the volume of traffic using the main trunk roads, such as the A303 will increase somewhat.

Cllr Mrs Ferguson stated that at present the A303 traffic noise is not an issue, but felt that the Parish Council should be aware that this become a problem in the future. Cllr Mrs Ferguson suggested that the Parish Council ask for the 'A303 Forecast Traffic Noise Model' document so that a copy can be kept on file for future reference. This forecast should give noise levels and details of roadside planting and embankments to help stop the traffic noise reaching the village. The Parish Council thought this a good idea and asked the Clerk to contact the Highways Agency on this matter.

Cllr Mrs Ferguson expressed concern on the state of the slip road from the A303, this is covered in litter and looks a mess, not a very good advert for visitors to Quarley. The Clerk reported that Test Valley Borough Council do pick up litter along the A303 and have had staff problems on this stretch of road, the matter is now in hand and we should start seeing an improvement.

The Parish Council discussed this and felt that a Litter Clean-up of this area might be in order, the Clerk pointed out that as this is a slip road off the A303 it would be advisable to seek permission from the Highways Agency, insurance cover must be checked in case of an accident and there could be Health and Safety Issues to consider. The Parish Council noted this.

The Parish Clerk reminded the Parish Councillors that their nomination papers had to with the Test Valley Returning Officer no later that noon on the 1st April 2003.

Cllr Mrs Ferguson welcomed Mr David Preston who had come to give a presentation on the proposed Quarley Web Site. 

Mr Preston gave the Parish Council a demonstration of a 'mock' Quarley Web Site on his Laptop Computer, the Parish Council were very impressed, Mr Preston then spoke about costs and that Amport are willing to share the 'Web Host' but will require some financial assistance from Quarley Parish Council (please see attached handout). The Parish Council discussed this and all agreed to go forward with this project, the names www.quarley.org.uk and www.quarleyvillage.co.uk will be registered for the Parish Council by Mr Preston.

Cllr Mrs Ferguson stated that she will liase with the Amport Chairman and thanked Mr Preston for his presentation.

It was reported that Earth Line Lorries have been seen driving through the village. Cllr Mr Arnell noted this and the Clerk was asked to contact Thruxton Airfield as it was thought that they were coming or going to their site. 


HCC. Street Lighting Energy and Maintenance £ 104.86
Valarie Court Audit of Parish Council 2002 Accounts £ 70.00
Mr B Pearce Drain Clearing and Maintenance Work £ 169.00
District Audit Audit of 1999,2000,2001 Accounts £ 253.80
R.N. Waterman Wages and Expenses £ 232.50
Quarley Village Hall Hire for meetings -2 Years £ 70.00

The Clerk reported that the Accounts have been audited and a certificate has been received from the District Audit in Plymouth. No matters were raised.

Cllr Mrs Ferguson thanked everyone for coming and closed the meeting.

10TH June 2003 in the Village Hall at 7.30pm

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