Quarley Parish Council Minutes - June 2003

Minutes of the Quarley Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 10th June 2003 in the Quarley Village Hall at 7.30pm.

Present :   Cllr Mrs J Ferguson (Chairman)
                Cllr Mrs G Tubbs
                Cllr Miss L Cross
                Cllr Mr M Venables
                Cllr Mr W Marshall
                Borough Councillor Mr N Arnell
                Richard Waterman - Parish Clerk

Cllr Mrs Ferguson welcomed everyone to the meeting.

The Parish Councillors signed the Declaration of Office, Cllr Miss Cross and Cllr Mr Venables filled in the Financial and Other Interests forms.

CHAIRMAN - The Parish Council elected Cllr Mrs J Ferguson as Chairman, there were no other nominations.

VICE CHAIRMAN - The Parish Council elected Cllr Mr W Marshall as Vice Chairman, there were no other nominations. 

Cllr Mrs Ferguson signed the minutes of the previous meeting as a true record. Matters arising from those minutes :-

GRASS CUTTING - Cllr Mrs Ferguson and the Clerk have met with Mr B Pearce on site to discuss the Grass Cutting in the village. It has been agreed with Mr Pearce that he will cut the shaded areas on the map below on a regular basis, this will keep the village looking tidy. Mr Pearce will cut the grass area by Etwall between the Local Authority planned cuts, the bank opposite the War Memorial will be strimmed to aid visibility when leaving Park Lane. 

Grass Cutting Map - Mr B Pearce
Grass cutting sketch

DRAINS - Cllr Mrs Ferguson reported that Mr Pearce has been asked to clear and dig out the road gully in Park Lane as and when the need arises. This gully regularly gets blocked after rainfall as the water runs down the lane gathering debris along the way. Mr Pearce will also clear out the gully by the Old Bus Shelter before the winter. 

Cllr Mrs Ferguson suggested that the manhole Covers on the Village Green need to be lowered, over the years, the ground has sunk leaving these proud. If these are lowered, it will make mowing the grass easier arid would be safer for pedestrians. The Parish Council agreed - the Clerk was asked to contact the Highways Department. 

MIRRORS - In hand.

SMALL SCALE ENVIRONMENTAL GRANT - The Clerk reported that due to a cut in funding, the proposed work to the trees on the Village Green and the kerbing has been deleted from the planned works to Quarley.

The Clerk reported that he had met with Carhill from the Test Valley Leisure Department on site to finalise the details for the work to be carried out for the Environmental Improvement Grant. As agreed, a new Notice Board and Rubbish Bin will be placed on the site of the old Bus Shelter, new fencing will be installed to match the existing, a new Wooden Bus Shelter will be placed to the left of the War Memorial with a path leading to it.

DOG FOULING - The problem with Dog Fouling in Etwall seems to have resolved itself, as there have been no more complaints from Residents.

VILLAGE CLEAN UP - Cllr Mrs Ferguson reported that the recent Village Clean-up was well attended and wished to thank everyone who gave up their time to help.

A303 TRAFFIC NOISE - The Clerk reported that he has not yet received the A303 Traffic Noise Model Forecast. 

WEB SITE- The Clerk reported that the Web Site is up and running. An invoice for £ 51.65 has been presented by Mr David Preston for the set up fee of the web site. 

TVN.O5626/4 - Erection of prefabricated wooden studio for use as office/studio - Dragonfly Cottage, Quarley. The Parish Council had NO OBJECTION to this Planning Application.

The Parish Council have been sent details of a proposed Planning Application for the erection of a 15 metre high telecommunications tower, 3 antennas, 1 transmission dish, 1 equipment cabin and 1 metre cabinet within 1.8 metre High fenced compound at OS parcel 5366, Lains Farm, Quarley. From Airwaves Mmo2 Limited. 

The Parish Council discussed this and felt that this would be well screened from the village and would have no objections when the Planning Application was submitted. 

The Parish Council discussed the Village Footpaths and the need for some maintenance work to be carried out in several areas so that the footpaths are walkable. The Clerk will ask Mr Brian Pearce for a quote to strim the footpaths and it was suggested that a working party from the village could also clear some of the footpaths.

Concerns have been raised regarding the felling of a large Beech Tree at Little Oaks, Quarley. Cllr Mr Marshall reported that the Tree was diseased and a Tree Surgeon recommended that it be cut down, as it was not safe. The Parish Council felt that they would like this confirmed and asked the Clerk to contact the Test Valley Tree Warden on this matter. 

CLLR MR N ARNELL - Spoke about the Sarson Lane Gap Closure on the A303, a Public Meeting was held approximately 4 Years ago on the issue of this junction. The Highways Agencies at the time said they would investigate alternative routes, and the suggestion that a bridge is built over the A303. The County Council has been reminded of this and that no action was taken, as a result the issue is to be discussed further and a full consultation involving the surrounding villages will be undertaken. 

The Parish Council have been informed by Hampshire County Council that the C131 Cholderton Road 500m west of its junction with C131 Quarley will be closed for surfacing works, this will take affect from the 14th July 2003 for three months or until the works are completed. The Clerk was unsure if the Gullies would be cleared at the same time.


District Audit          Yearly Audit Fee                                    £ 58.75
Quarley P.C.C.        Donation towards Maintenance of Church £ 100
R.N.Waterman        Expenses                                              £ 60.00
Mr David Preston     Setting up of the Quarley Web Site         £ 51.65
Cornhill Insurance   Parish Council Insurance                        £ 332.01

Cllr Mrs Ferguson thanked everyone for coming and closed the meeting.

9th September 2003 in the Village Hall at 7.30pm.

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