Quarley Parish Council Minutes - March 2005

Minutes of the Quarley Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 22nd March 2005 in the Village Hall at 7.30pm.

Present : Cllr Mrs J Ferguson – Chairman
              Cllr Mr W Marshall – Vice Chairman
              Cllr Miss L Cross
              Cllr Mrs G Tubbs
              Cllr Mr M Venables
              Richard Waterman – Parish Clerk
              Members of the Public – 6

Apologies : Cllr Mr N Arnell.

WELCOME - Cllr Mrs Ferguson welcomed everyone to the meeting.

MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING – Cllr Miss Cross reported that the minutes do not portray what she said regarding parking in the Village Hall car park. On reading the minutes the Trustees of the Village Hall have stated that the use of the Village Hall car park by Bridge Cottage is not to be a permanent fixture, while building work is being carried out to Bridge Cottage the car park can be used.

Cllr Mrs Ferguson stated that she had understood that Cllr Miss Cross’s concerns were the erosion of the verge due to parked cars outside Bridge Cottage, and the suggestion of using the Village Hall car park was a solution to the problem, Cllr Mrs Ferguson had no recollection of the mention of while building works are being carried out, the Parish Council agreed.

It was thought that in a village the size of Quarley it would be a shame if the facilities could not be used by residents if the need arises, the use of the Village Hall car park when visitors have to park on one of the village roads should be encouraged on a safety aspect.

Cllr Mrs Ferguson felt embarrassed as she had spoken to Mr and Mrs Stacey and told them that they could park in the Village Hall car park. The Parish Council asked Cllr Miss Cross to ask the Village Hall Trustees to clarify the situation.

Cllr Mrs Ferguson then signed the minutes as a true record. Matters arising from those minutes.

WPB PLANNING – The Parish Council had read the correspondence from the Clerk, Test Valley Borough Council Planning Department and WPB Planning. It was agreed that no additions would be made to the June 2004 minutes as it was felt that they did give a fair account of the meeting. However the ‘After Note’ would be removed from the minutes as this was information received after the meeting. The Parish Council agreed that the revised minutes should be reinstated on the Web Site. The Clerk was asked to send a copy to WPB Planning and a copy of this meetings minutes.

STREET LIGHTS – It was reported that there has been no problems with the Street Lights since the last meeting.

QUARLEY HILL – PUBLIC ACCESS – The Clerk reported that he had written to the Countryside Commission registering the Parish Councils support for Quarley Hill to be made an Open Space for Public Access.

SOUTH EAST REGIONAL ASSEMBLY – DRAFT PLAN. Cllr Mrs Ferguson spoke about the South East Regional Assembly Draft Plan. The following statement was in the recent News Letter that went to every house in the village.

SOUTH EAST ENGLAND REGIONAL ASSEMBLY. The Parish Council have been requested by T.V.B.C. to discuss the South East Plan with respect to Test Valley as sent to T.V.B.C. by S.E.E.R.A. When discussed, we are then requested to send our decisions to S.E.E.R.A, with a copy to T.V.B.C. Planning. S.E.E.R.A. is a body that has been set up by Government and comes under the Office of Deputy Prime Minister, Mr John Prescott. The South East regional Assembly covers an area stretching from Kent to Oxfordshire.

“Basically there are two options :

  1. ’Continuing existing policy’ (which means distributing development broadly in line with current regional guidance).
  2. ’Sharper focus’ (locating more development in areas with strong economic potential such as South Hampshire and area where regeneration is needed).

The lower figure of 700 dwellings to be built annually could be achieved by developing existing communities and local plan allocations. A mid range of around 1,000 dwellings per annum could be accommodated by further development at Andover and at Whitehill/Bordon in East Hampshire. The higher range would include all of the above and would mean further development of the order of 7,000 - 10,000 houses per annum. With the mid and higher range figurers there is potential to consider having development around towns and villages of the area.”

This was discussed and the following points raised :- 

  • The New Forest has now been designated a National Park, this means that limited development will be allowed. Therefore a large chunk of Hampshire will be excluded from these development figures.
  • Concerns about the Supply of water in the South have been raised by the Environment Agency. A water shortage could be a reality as early as 2007.
  • The Electricity infrastructure will not be able to cope with the increase of the proposed development. Sewage treatment is another major concern.
  • The South’s roads are full to capacity now and are in a bad state of repair.
  • Hampshire County Council are in the middle of a mailing campaign to inform every household in Hampshire of these proposals. Posters will be put on the Parish Council Notice Board.

The Parish Councillors will all read the South East Regional Plan and will make their representations by the 15th April 2005. It was agreed that the Parish Council would meet informally to draft a letter on this subject on the 12th April 2005 at the Chairman’s House.


TVN.09278/1 – Extension of residential curtilage and construction of tennis court and erection of associated fencing – Ash House, Quarley Down Cottages, Cholderton Road, Cholderton, Quarley. The Parish Council had NO OBJECTIONS.

TVN.05569 & TVN.LB.00440/2 Erection of two storey extension to rear to provide drawing room with Bedroom and bathroom over – Corner Cottage, Quarley. The Parish Council had NO OBJECTIONS.


CLLR MR W MARSHALL – Reported that he had attended an event to discuss the Changing face of Agricultural hosted by Leckford Estates. The presentation was good and very informative.

CLLR MRS G TUBBS – Reported that several residents have asked her what is happening with the Neighbourhood Watch Scheme in the village, there has been no news for some time.

This was discussed and it was thought that a re-launch of the Neighbourhood Watch might be a good idea. Cllr Mrs Ferguson will speak to the Neighbourhood Watch co-ordinator for Quarley and to invite him to the next meeting. The Clerk was asked to contact the Weyhill Police to also invite them to the June meeting.

CLLR MRS FERGUSON – Reported a the BBC’s Peter Write highlighted the plight of the Blind Schools that have suffered due to the Tsunami disaster. A combined Bring and Buy Sale was held and raised £200.


Car Parking in the Village Hall car park was discussed further.

Public speaking at the Parish Council Meetings was raised. Mrs Venables suggested that the Public be allowed to speak as issues are discussed rather than waiting to the end of the meeting. Issues already discussed might have to be raised again if a member of the Public has a question or comment they wish to make. This was noted.


Audit Commission Yearly Audit Fee £58.75
H.A.P.T.C. Subscription £68.00
Quarley P.C.C. Grave Yard Maintenance £100.00
R.N. Waterman Wages £250.00

CLOSE OF THE MEETING. Cllr Mrs Ferguson thanked everyone for coming and closed the meeting.

DATE OF THE NEXT MEETING. June 21st 2005 in the Village Hall at 7.30pm.

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