Quarley Parish Council Minutes - June 2007

Minutes of the Quarley Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 19th June 2007 in the Village Hall at 7.30pm.

Present : Cllr Mrs J Ferguson - Chairman
Cllr Mr W Marshall - Vice Chairman
Cllr Miss C Cross
Cllr Mrs G Tubbs
Cllr Mr M Venables
Richard Waterman - Parish Clerk
Member of the Public - Mrs J Venables
Apologies : Borough Councillor Mr T Southern and County Councillor Mrs P West.

Cllr Mrs Ferguson welcomed everyone to the meeting and Cllr Miss Charlotte Cross to the Parish Council.

The Councillors all signed the Declaration of Office and the Statement of Financial interests.

Chairman - Cllr Mrs Ferguson was proposed as chairman. All the Councillors agreed, there were no other nominations. Cllr Mrs Ferguson was elected Chairman.
Vice Chairman - Cllr Mr W Marshall was proposed as Vice Chairman. All Councillors agreed, there were no other nominations. Cllr Mr Marshall was elected Vice Chairman.

Cllr Mrs Ferguson signed the minutes of the previous meeting as a true record. Matters arising from those minutes :-

LAINS SHOOTING SCHOOL - It was reported that the Young Guns Academy is up and running and that Quarley is being represented.

NOTICE BOARD - Cllr Mrs Ferguson reported that the repair of the Notice Board is in hand.

SLIP ROAD - The Clerk reported that Borough Councillor Mr Philip Lashbrook has spoken to him about the problems of flooding under the A303 bridge and the slip way signage. A recent site meeting took place with Hampshire Highways, Test Valley Borough Council and the Highways Agency.

  1. Major work will be undertaken to clear the soak away of silt and ways of preventing a blockage occurring will be looked into. The problem is the diameter of the pipe and the volume of water. The French drain is not working properly and will be looked at.
  2. Markings will be painted on the slip road to inform users that they have to Give Way and that the road under the bridge is two way.
  3. Rumble strips on the slip road are proposed to slow traffic.
  4. There has been problems with the signs being stolen and this is being addressed.

The Parish Council welcomed this news and hoped that these measures will not take to long to implement.

07/01761/LBWN - Provision of replacement windows at first floor level - Thatchway, Park
Lane, Quarley.
Cllr Mrs Ferguson declared and interest in this Planning Application.
The Parish Council had NO OBJECTIONS to this Planning Application.

The Parish Council discussed the footpaths in the village. It was reported that there is a tree across footpath 1 and that its needs cutting again. The Clerk was asked to organise for footpath 1 to be cut and to also get a quote for the areas that need cutting on footpath 2.
Cllr Miss Cross said she would speak to Steven Goddard about the tree that is down.
It was noted that Amport Parish Council have had benefit from a Parish plan and it was decided to the continuation of footpath 1 (their No 13) cut and a good job has been done.

The Parish Council discussed Parish Plans. Cllr Mrs Ferguson reported that at a recent T.V.A.P.C. Meeting a presentation was given and Parish Councils were urged to consider undertaking a Parish Plan.
A Parish Plan must be undertaken by the village and lead by the Parish Council. The Parish Council were not sure if a village the size of Quarley would benefit from a Parish Plan and it was decided to bring this issue up at the Parish Meeting.


CLLR MRS G TUBBS - Reported that there are overhanging trees between the church and Lains Farm. The Clerk was asked to report this to Highways.
Cllr Mrs Tubbs reported that the pavements in Etwall are in a very bad state, several areas are breaking up and need urgent attention. The Clerk was asked to report this to Testway Housing.

CLLR MRS J FERGUSON - Reported that she has received a letter from a Lesley and Michael Ayres objecting to any suggestions that a Play Area be sited in the field next to Christopher Court. They have also requested that a rubbish bin be placed by the bus shelter.
The Parish Council felt that with the cost involved and the problem of where to site a Play Area, they would be very surprised if Quarley managed to get a Play Area. The Clerk was asked to investigate the price of a rubbish bin.
Cllr Mrs Ferguson has also received a letter from a parishioner regarding dog mess in the village. This was noted and a reminder to dog owners will be posted.
Cllr Mrs Ferguson spoke about the proposed development by Tesco at the Old Andover Airfield. Quarley has been asked to give support against this proposed development. The Parish Council discussed the consequents of the proposed Tesco distribution centre, an increase in traffic on the A303 is of concern.
Cllr Mrs Ferguson will keep the Parish Council informed of any developments.

The Clerk gave all the Parish Councillors a copy of the New Model Code of Conduct for Parish Councillors. A training session has been organised by the Legal department at Test Valley Borough Council for Wednesday 18th July at Thruxton. Cllr Mrs Ferguson, Cllr Mrs Tubbs and Cllr Mr Marshall said they would attend.
The Clerk reported that the Parish Council have until October 2007 to adopt the New Model Code of Conduct or it is automatically put in place in its entirety. The Parish Council will discuss this at the September Meeting.

Southern Electricity are running a Tree Planting initiative and are offering a tree for every acre. The Parish Councillors were asked to think of any possible sites.
Cllr Mrs Ferguson reported that funding has been secured to start a Monxton, Grateley, Amport and Quarley Football Team. If any one is interested Cllr Mrs Ferguson has the details and will put them on the Notice Board.

Mrs J Venables asked if the Parish Council Minutes could be put on the village notice board as soon as possible after a meeting? The Clerk could see no problem with this request.

It was agreed that the next Village Meeting to discuss the Village Survey will be held on Monday 22nd July 2007. Cllr Mrs Ferguson will put the date on the Notice Board and inform the various village organisations.

Cornhill Insurance Parish Council Insurance £457.71
Hampshire County Council Street Lighting   £163.72

Cllr Mrs Ferguson thanked everyone for coming and closed the meeting.

18th September 2007 in the Village Hall at 7.30pm

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