Quarley Parish Council Minutes - September 2007

Minutes of the Quarley Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 18th September 2007 in the Village Hall at 7.30pm.

Present : Cllr Mrs J Ferguson - Chairman
Cllr Mr W Marshall - Vice Chairman
Cllr Mrs G Tubbs
Cllr Mr M Venables
Richard Waterman - Parish Clerk
Apologies : Cllr Miss C Cross, Borough Councillor Mr T Southern and County Councillor Mrs P West.

WELCOME. Cllr Mrs Ferguson welcomed everyone to the meeting.

MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING - Cllr Mrs Ferguson signed the minutes of the previous meeting as a true record. Matters arising from those minutes :-

LAINS SHOOTING SCHOOL - Cllr Mrs Tubbs and Cllr Mr Venables reported that they attended an open day at Lains Shooting School and were impressed with the facilities. The Young Guns Academy has been a great success and will continue. The children who attend the Academy from the village have benefited a great deal from the experience. The parish Council thought this excellent news.

SLIP ROAD - As far as the Parish Council were aware no work has yet been undertaken to alleviate the problem of flooding under the A303 Bridge. It was also reported that stones from the cages holding up the A303 bank are being taken. The Clerk was asked to contact Highways to report this and to get a progress report on the proposed works on the slip road and bridge.

FOOTPATH CUTTING - The Clerk reported that due to recent Foot and Mouth outbreak Chris Wilkins has not cut the footpaths as Mr Cross has livestock in the fields. When the all clear is given, he will cut footpath 1 and quote to cut footpath 2.

PARISH PLAN - The Parish Council have not yet discussed a Parish Plan - On Going.

AFFORDABLE HOUSING - Cllr Mrs Ferguson reported that Mr John Lancaster, the Rural Housing Enabler Community Action Hampshire, had said some time ago that he would come and talk to the Parish Council about Affordable Housing in the village. The Clerk was asked to contact Mr Lancaster to see if he was still willing to come and talk to the Parish Council.

PAVEMENTS IN ETWALL - Cllr Mrs Tubs reported that pavements in Etwall are still in a bad state. The Clerk was asked to contact Testway Housing again on this matter.

RUBBISH BIN - The Clerk will organise for a rubbish bin to be placed by the Bus Shelter.

DOG FOULING - Again some dog owners in the village are allowing their dogs to foul the streets and the Village Green.

TREE MATTERS - The Parish Council briefly discussed where trees could be planted in the village and organising a working party to cut down the ivy on many of the trees in the village.

FOOTBALL TEAM - The Parish Council had no further information on the Monxton, Grateley, Amport and Quarley Football Team. Cllr Mrs Ferguson said she will get an up-date and inform the Councillors.


  • TVN.07/02444/LBWN - Internal alterations forming access doorway from dinning room to shower room in existing store - Rose Cottage, Park Lane, Quarley. The Parish Council had NO OBJECTIONS to this Planning Application.
  • TVN.07/02529/FULLN - Single storey rear extension to provide garden room - Quarley Wood House, Quarley. The Parish Council had NO OBJECTION to this Planning Application.
  • TVN.07/02104/FULLN - Erection of piers, wall and replacement gates - Long Mead House, Quarley. The Parish Council NO OBJECTION to this Planning Application but made the comment that the proposed entrance structure seems to be out of keeping with a Queen Anne Period House.

The Parish Clerk had given all the Parish Councillors a copy of ‘The Code of Conduct Guide for Members May 2007 at the last meeting.
Cllr Mrs Ferguson reported that the document was very comprehensive and proposed that the Parish Council adopt it in its entirety as a general guide for the Parish Council. In addition the Parish Council will also adopt :-
Paragraph 7 - A member must have regard to advice from their monitoring officer or chief finance officer where they give it under their statutory duties.
Paragraph 12 (2) - Where a member has a prejudicial interest in any business of their authority.
Example. A meeting at which a planning application is considered: he may attend a meeting of the authority provided that the public are also entitled to attend the meeting, but only for the purpose of making representations, answering questions or giving evidence relating to that business, and must leave the meeting immediately after. The policy reason behind this provision is to ensure that a member is not disadvantaged any more than a member of the public would be.
Cllr Mr Venables seconded the proposal and the Parish Council all agreed.

The Clerk will keep a Hospitality Book for Parish Councillors to register any events they attend on behalf of the Parish Council.


CLLR MR W MARSHALL - Reported that the HGV’s using Skew Lane to access the Fox Farm Grain Store are breaking up the verge and the edge of the road. It was also reported that the edge of the road is also breaking up in Cholderton Lane, large lorries have pushed the verge away from the road. The Clerk was asked to report this to Highways.

CLLR MRS G TUBBS - Reported that she understands that Hampshire Paths have cut the Amport Parish Paths. The Clerk was asked to investigate this and if this was the case, ask if Hampshire Paths can cut the Quarley footpaths.

Mr B Pearce Grass Cutting           £120.00
Valerie Court Accounts               £ 65.00
R.N. Waterman ½ Year Wages     £457.20
David Preston Web Site Expenses    £9.35
T.V.B.C. Election Expenses           £28.45

Cllr Mrs Ferguson thanked everyone for coming and closed the meeting.

20th November 2007 in the Village Hall at 7.30pm

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