Quarley Parish Council Minutes - September 2008

Minutes of the Quarley Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 23rd September 2008 in the Quarley Village Hall at 7.30pm.

Present : Cllr Mrs J Ferguson - Chairman
Cllr Mr W Marshall - Vice Chairman
Cllr Miss C Cross
Cllr Mr M Venables
Richard Waterman - Parish Clerk
County Councillor Mrs P West
Members of the Public - Mr T Ferguson and Mr P West

Apologies : Cllr Mrs G Tubbs and Borough Councillor Mr T Southern.

WELCOME. Cllr Mrs Ferguson welcomed everyone to the meeting.

Cllr Mrs Ferguson declared an interest in the Quarley Church.

Cllr Mrs Ferguson signed the minutes of the previous meeting as a true record. Matters arising from those minutes :-

FLOODING UNDER THE A303 BRIDGE - The Clerk reported that he has spoken to Cllr Mr Lashbrook about the flooding under the A303 Bridge, unfortunately Mr Lashbrook now has to start the again with the various agencies as personnel and contractors have changed. There is no record on file of the site meeting held in 2007.

Cllr Mrs Ferguson was dismayed to hear this and suggested that now is the time to write to Sir George Young about this matter it has been going on for to long and seems to be no nearer to being resolved. One Friday both this bridge and the next bridge on the old A303 towards Amesbury were flooded and impassable, with reports that we are to experience more rain in the future something needs to be done. The Parish Council agreed.

Cllr Mrs West reported that the problem has been identified and the drain under the bridge needs to be connected to the Hampshire Highways drainage system on the old A303 (a distance of 5 foot), but the Agencies do not speak to each other. Cllr Mr Lashbrook is trying to

get these bodies to work together to rectify the problem. Hampshire Highways have been on site and blown through the soak away as a short term measure. Cllr Mr Lashbrook is trying hard to get this sorted and is using the Road Safety aspect as a bargaining tool. Cllr Mrs West assured the Parish Council that this is on the list of things to be done, a letter to Sir George Young may help to speed up the process.

ROAD MATTERS - The Clerk reported that the Parish Council have received a letter from Hampshire Highways thanking them for the list of repairs that are needed in the Parish and that work will be carried out to rectify them in due course.

PAVEMENTS IN ETWALL - The Clerk has reported the bad state pf the pavements in Etwall to Testway Housing again.

BOUNDARY CHANGES - Cllr Mrs Ferguson reported that she has spoken to Cllr Mr I Morrison the Chairman of Amport Parish Council about the properties that are in Quarley but in the parish of Amport Parish.

Cllr Mr Morrison has stated that Amport Parish Council feel that it would be better for the residents of these houses to be in the Quarley Parish and have no objections to looking at a boundary change. Cllr Mrs Ferguson reported that a survey of the properties concerned has been carried out, only two houses were against joining the Parish of Quarley.

The Clerk reported that Penton Grafton, Penton Mewsey and Amport Chairman’s are meeting to discuss Boundary Changes and suggested that Cllr Mrs Ferguson attend. Cllr Mrs Ferguson thought this a good idea.

The Parish Council discussed the recent Police Forum Meeting held on the 4th September at Lains Shooting Ground. It was felt that this was a well organised event, there were many organisations present with lots of information available on a variety of subjects. One of the topics discussed was poaching and it was noted that there is a dedicated Police Team who deal with this issue. It was agreed that the suitable element of the information handed out at the meeting would be posted on the Village notice board.

Cllr Mrs West agreed that it was a well organised event that was well attended, she felt that it was a good opportunity for the Rural Parishes to talk about Policing in their area. It was also a good opportunity for the other Agencies that work with the Police to get information out to the Rural Areas.

There were no Planning Applications to discuss.

Cllr Mr Venables raised the issue of the Tesco Distribution Centre Planning Application for the Andover Airfield site. This was refused at the Planning Meeting held at the Lights in Andover. The Parish Council discussed the Tesco Planning Application and expressed surprise at some of the observations about the planning process and applicationthat had reportably been made by Mrs M Winters, Head of Planning at Test Valley Borough Council.

Cllr Mrs P West reported that this Planning Application will now go to Planning Control and if it is refused again the Applicant will certainly take it to Appeal.

Cllr Mr Venables asked Cllr Mrs West if it was true that Tesco has objected to a Planning Application from Scatts to open a retail shop at their Portway Warehouse, on the issue of an increase in traffic movements. Cllr Mrs West confirmed that yes Tesco has objected to this Planning Application on those grounds.

Cllr Mrs West reported that she has been nominated to stand again next year for Hampshire County Council. Cllr Mrs West reported that the shuttle bus service from Andover Hospital to Winchester Hospital is a great success.


CLLR MR M VENABLES - Wanted to bring to the Parish Council’s attention that there may be the possibility of a second shooting ground opening in the vicinity.

Cllr Mr Venables reported that he had attended a Monxton Parish Council Meeting at which an issue of a Clay Pigeon Shoot on a site in Bush Road, was discussed. Although not in Quarley Parish it will affect the village more that Monxton, with this in mind they have agreed to inform the Chairman when and if a Planning Application is submitted. Cllr Mr Venables understood that Approval may also be needed for from the Police.

CLLR MR W MARSHALL - Reported that there is an area of hedge on the Quarley to Grateley Road, just passed Quarley Manor that has become very overgrown and obscuring the road. The Clerk was asked to report this to Highways.

CLLR MRS J FERGUSON - Reported that The Village Footpath Finger Posts need replacing as they are in a bad condition. The Clerk will speak to Rights of Way at Hampshire County Council.

Cllr Mrs Ferguson reported that she has received complaints about the speed that some of the farm contractors from neighbouring parishes drive through the village. Everyone understands the pressure that farmers are under to get the crops in, especially with the recent spell of bad weather, but safety of other road users is paramount. It was thought that the contractors in question are working for Mr Clarke at Grateley. The Clerk was asked to write to Mr Clarke to bring this matter to his attention.

CLLR MR W MARSHALL - Reported that his wall had been hit by a Farm Vehicle and thought that this was due to the driver trying to avoid a 30MPH sign on the opposite side of the road. Cllr Mr Marshall suggested that if the sign was moved a few feet further down and slightly further into the verge the problem could be resolved. The Clerk will contact Highways and ask them to look at this and suggest a site meeting with Cllr Mr Marshall.


Mr B Pearce Grass Cutting - July, August and September £120.00
R.N. Waterman ½ Year Wages £225.00

Cllr Mrs Ferguson thanked everyone for coming and closed the meeting

18th November 2008 in the Quarley Village Hall at 7.30pm

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