Quarley Parish Council Minutes - September 2010

Minutes of the Quarley Parish Council Meeting held on 21st September 2010 in the Quarley Village Hall at 7.30 pm.

Present : Cllr Mrs J Ferguson - Chairman
Cllr Miss C Cross
Cllr Mr M Venables
Richard Waterman - Parish Clerk
Apologies: Cllr Mr W Marshall - Vice Chairman
Cllr Mrs G Tubbs
County Councillor Mrs P West
Borough Councillor Mr T Southern

WELCOME. Cllr Mrs Ferguson welcomed everyone to the meeting.

Cllr Mrs Ferguson declared an interest in the Quarley P.C.C.
Cllr Miss C Cross declared an interest in Home Farm.

The Chairman signed the minutes of the previous meeting as a true record. Matters arising from those minutes :-

ROADS - The Build up of gravel on the last right hand bend before Grateley has still not been cleared. The Clerk reported that he did bring this up with Highways at a recent site meeting in Grateley and had been assured that this would be done.

SHOWMAN’S SITE - Cllr Mr M Venables reported that a further meeting to discuss the outcome of the Secretary of States decision on the Planning Appeal for the Showman’s Site will be held on the 19th October 2010.


WAR MEMORIAL - The Clerk reported that he has sent in the Grant Application to the War Memorial Trust, if successful the Parish Council will have fund 50% of the cost amounting to £950. The Parish Council noted this and will have to use money from the reserves if the grant application if successful.

There were no new Planning Applications to discuss.

CLLR MISS C CROSS - Reported that she has moved out of the village, but within the distance allowed for her to remain on the Parish Council. Cllr Miss Cross will still be involved with the Family Farm and will be in the village on a daily basis, she would be happy to remain on the Parish Council if there were no objections.

The Parish Council had no objections to Cllr Miss Cross remaining on the Parish Council, her knowledge and involvement is an asset to the Parish Council.

CLLR MR M VENABLES - Reported that he has been approached by a Magician who would help with a fund raising event. The Magician would put on a show for Adults in the village hall and share the profits with the village.

This was briefly discussed and it was suggested that a Cabaret with Supper evening could be held, possibly selling tickets to neighbouring villages to increase sales. It was thought that late February/March would be a good time to have an event of this nature. The Parish Council were keen to explore this further, Cllr Mr Venables will contact the Magician for further details.

The Parish Council discussed the recent Harvest Supper and felt that attendance this year was a bit disappointing. Cllr Mr Venables suggested that the village are asked what sort of social event they would like as he felt it was important that the feeling of community is maintained in the village. The Parish Council agreed.

CLLR MRS J FERGUSON - Reported that PC Bill Williams has given her some stickers for oil tanks to inform that the oil within has been coloured and is traceable. These stickers will be distributed around the village.

Cllr Mrs Ferguson reported that Street Light Number 3 is flickering. The Clerk will report this to Street Lighting at Hampshire County Council.

Cllr Mrs Ferguson reported that Mr Howard Kirby from Lains Shooting School had written to her earlier in the year. An event to show young people the role of dogs in the community was being organised for the summer, this will include demonstrations and workshops. Mr Kirby offered six places to young people between eight and 16 years from the parish at no charge, as a thanks for the ongoing support they receive from people living in the parish.

Cllr Mrs Ferguson reported that unfortunately the event clashed with holidays and only two youngsters from the village took up the offer. The Parish Council thought that it was very good of Mr Kirby to offer these days to the young of the parish, past events have been a great success and held to strengthen the community links to the Shooting Ground.


R.N. Waterman ½ Year Wages £250.00
Mr B Pearce Village Grass Cutting £175.00
Audit Commission Audit of Accounts £58.75
Valerie Court Internal Audit of Accounts £70.00
H.A.L.C. Standing Orders £25.00
R.N. Waterman ½ Year Expenses £70.00
H.C.C. Street Lighting £95.54

The Clerk reported that District Audit have issued the Audit Certificate for the Year 1st April 2009 - 31st March 2010. No issues were raised by the Internal or District Auditor.

Cllr Mrs Ferguson thanked everyone for coming and closed the meeting.

18TH January 2011 in the Village Hall at 7.30pm

22nd March
21st June
20th September
22nd November

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