Quarley Parish Council Minutes - 18th June 2013

Minutes of the Quarley Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 18th June 2013 at Quarley Village Hall at 7.30 pm.

Present : Cllr Mrs J Ferguson - Chairman
Cllr Mr W Marshall - Vice Chairman
Cllr Miss C Cross
Richard Waterman - Parish Clerk
Member of the Public - Mrs J Venables
Apologies: Cllr Mrs G Tubbs
Cllr Mr M Venables
Mr R Whiting
Borough Councillor Mr Ben Few Brown
County Councillor Mrs P West

WELCOME. The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.

Cllr Mrs J Ferguson declared an interest in the Quarley Church
Cllr Miss C Cross declared an interest in Home Farm

It was proposed and seconded that Cllr Mrs J Ferguson be elected Chairman and Cllr Mr W Marshall be elected Vice Chairman. All agreed.

The Chairman signed the minutes of the previous meeting as a true record. Matters arising from those minutes :-

ROADS - The Chairman reported that there is a large pot hole outside the Quarley Wood House and that she had damaged two tyres on her car, a claim will be forwarding its way to Hampshire County Council!

Cholderton Road has had some surface dressing and there has been work carried out on Skew Road. Grateley Drove needs some attention as there are some large potholes and a section of uneven road. 

The Chairman stated that she thought another site meeting with Highways is of the utmost importance as there are still several issues that need addressing before the winter weather is upon us again. The Clerk was asked to organise this before the end of the summer. 

PLAY AREA - Cllr Miss C Cross reported that the Village Hall Trustees agree to the Play Area Swings in principle as long as they are fenced off. A lease will need to be drawn up and a proposal and plan will have to be presented to the Trustees. The parish Council will be expected to pay any legal costs re the lease. 

The Clerk will apply for a grant from both Cllr Mr B Few-Brown and Cllr Mrs P West 

The Clerk reported that Paul Reynolds the internal Auditor has signed off the Accounts for the year 1st April 2012 to 31st March 2013 and made no comments. The Chairman signed them off. The Clerk will now send them to District Audit.


Paul Reynolds Audit of Accounts £90.00
HCC Street Lighting £90.06
Mr B Pearce Grass Cutting £80.00
Mr D Preston Web Site £43.10

The Chairman read out the following report from Mr Richard Whiting :-

Diary of events. Decision to formulate design  statement taken by QPC in June 2012

Project team assembled between June and November 2012 involving participants outside PC. Copies of other design statements obtained and examined.

Nov 2013 Concerns raised at PC meeting over farm involvement and effect of views expressed - resolved to meet in Jan to resolve. Project team enlarged.

Meeting at end of Jan 2013 to resolve farm mention problem -decide to word our way around the problem

Further immediate project team meetings CM comes up with village enterprise option.

Flyer and questionnaire drafted -Questionnaire approved by PC at March PC meeting

TVBC David Bibby invited to Quarley having seen draft questionnaire to discuss issues - purpose - to maximize chances of TVBC accepting the end result as an official planning document and to word our way around the local plan conflict issue. Bibby ok's questionnaire with some amendments - repeats warning about clashes with local plan. Mentions 2 VDS which ended in rejection by TVBC.

Introductory flyer telling parishioners about the DS distributed around village.

Questionnaire then distributed around village. Houses with parish boundary through them declared by occupant to be in Grateley and excluded from survey.

Project team members [2] visit county record office in Winchester in attempt to assemble historical material for VDS intro. Copies of records taken. Contact made with Edward Roberts, author of Hampshire Houses 1250-1700 who commented on cottage photos and will assess further snaps through Email. Approach made to English heritage at Swindon for ancient Quarley pictures, particularly the demolished Tudor Mansion.

Next stage - finish collecting questionnaires - analyse results and put into spreadsheet - Further contact with David Bibby to keep him onside.

Drafting to commence, embodying the survey results .Option of an exhibition at Village hall showing survey results and archive material. Need to raise money to cover costs perhaps matching funding from TVBC - councillor involvement needed.

Mr Richard Whiting has reported that is concerned that someone may be missing a questionnaire. 70 questionnaires have been printed and to date between 30 and 40 have been returned completed.

There were no Planning Applications to discuss.

The parish Councillors had nothing to report that had not already been covered.

The Parish Council were asked if there was to be development in the field opposite the Village Hall bordering Bush Lane? A rumour that development is planned is being circulated and this is stated in the SHLAA document lodged with TVBC.

Cllr Miss C Cross stated that the land in question is part of Home Farm, the land was put into the SHLAA document many years ago, the rumour is not true and there are no current  plans for development in that field. 

The Parish Council were asked if there could be more planting to improve the look of the Village Hall, possible a climber to soften the large expanse of brickwork, an offer of a donation towards the plants was pledged. 

The Chairman explained that this is a matter for the Village Hall Trustees and the request will be forwarded onto them. The Chairman explained that there is a French drain in front of the Village Hall and this limit’s the planting. The Chairman stated that the barrels outside the front need to be attended to and the planting improved, a job she will undertake. 

Mrs J Venables has reported that she is trying to reinvigorate the Quarley Neighbourhood Watch Scheme. A flier has been delivered to every house in the village asking folk to contact Mrs Venables if they wish to be added to the list for regular updates (as and when there is anything of interest to report).

It was reported that the was a recent attempted burglary in Park Lane, the Police have since caught the culprits. 

The Chairman thanked everyone for coming and closed the meeting.

17th September 2013 in the Quarley Village Hall at 7.30pm

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