Quarley Parish Council Minutes - 19th November 2013

Minutes of the Quarley Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 19th November 2013 at Quarley Village Hall at 7.30 pm.

Present : Cllr Mrs J Ferguson - Chairman
Cllr Mr W Marshall - Vice Chairman
Cllr Mrs G Tubbs
Mr R Whiting
Richard Waterman - Parish Clerk
Members of the Public - 1
Apologies: Cllr Miss C Cross
Cllr Mr M Venables
Mrs J Venables - Neighbourhood Watch
Borough Councillor Mr Ben Few Brown
County Councillor Mrs P West

WELCOME. The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.

Cllr Mrs J Ferguson declared an interest in the Quarley Church

The Chairman signed the minutes of the previous meeting as a true record. Matters arising from those minutes :-

HIGHWAYS - The bank of gravel on the corner towards Grateley has still not been cleared.
Unfortunately a fatal accident occurred at the junction of the road from Quarley and the B4084, a scheme to improve the road surface and signage has been put forward by Hampshire Highways. 

The constant movement of heavy lorries going to Georgia Farm in Amport is breaking up the verges in the village, especially in Skew Road. The Village Green is being worn away on the corner at a rate of at least 6inches a year. It has been suggested that Highways are asked to put in a kerb around the Village Green to stop this erosion, the Parish Council thought this a good idea and will raise it with Highways. 

The Parish Council discussed the various ditches and gullies in the parish, many have not been cleared for years, it was thought that this is the reason for flooding of the road by Quarley Manor. It was also noted that there is considerable flooding after heavy rain fall in Bush Lane and standing water by Lains Farm Cottage.

  IVY ON TREES - A working party will be organised to remove the ivy off various trees in the Parish.


  • 13/02393/TREEN - Conifer - Fell. Conifer - dead in centre - Fell. Conifer - Fell. Sycamore -Self-seeded - Fell. Conifer - Fell. Holly - remove top 4ft to enable more light into garden because of excessive shading. Phlox Cottage, Park Lane, Quarley. The Parish Council SUPPORTED this planning application.

  • 13/02559/TREEN - Remove 1 X Yew - 1 park Lane, Quarley. The Parish Council SUPPORTED this planning application.

Mr R Whiting reported that the Draft Village Design Statement less the History section has been sent to Mr David Bibby at Test Valley Borough Council for his comment. Mr R Whiting stated that he had added all the comments from the recent questionnaire.

The Clerk produced a financial report showing estimated results for the year 2013/14 and the budget for the year 2014/15.

2013/2014 2014/2015
Balance Brought Forward 1/4/2013 552.18 800.00
Plus precept 2,250.00 2,250.00
VAT Refund 52.68 50.00
£2,854.86 £3,100.00
Wages 500.00 500.00
Administration 235.00 250.00
Audit 90.00 100.00
Street Lighting 156.79 200.00
Hire of Hall 62.50 70.00
Web Site           35.92 40.00
Grass Cutting and Ditch Clearing 295.00  300.00
Village Maintenance 57.00 100.00
Insurance 498.38 500.00
PCC      100.00 100.00
£2,030.59 £2,160.00
Carry Forward Balance     £824.27 £940.00
£2,854.86 £3,100.00

The Parish Council discussed the Precept and agreed that there will be no increase in the precept. The Precept for 2014/15 was set at £2,250 proposed by Cllr Mrs J Ferguson and seconded by Cllr Mr W Marshall. All agreed.


Hampshire County Council Street Lighting £ 98.09
Mr B Pearce Grass Cutting £  40.00
Quarley PCC Grant towards maintenance £100.0

NHW Report provided by Mrs J Venables

· The 3 men arrested for hare coursing at Quarley appeared at Basingstoke Court in early November. Their vehicle and dogs were seized at the time. The case was adjourned until 14 Jan 14 as they lodged pleas of Not Guilty.
· There has been a report of intruders into the grounds of Long Mead House on the night of Sat 16 Nov having gained access from the Cricket Field. The occupants were encouraged to ring the police to inform them of the event as this helps to build up the local intelligence picture.
· The NHW report in the next issue of the Parish magazine will contain security advice for the winter and Christmas period, in particular relating to security of heating oil and Christmas presents.
· The woman who camped with her children on the verge in Bush Road on one weekend during the summer clearly did not remove their rubbish as requested – as the vegetation in the hedges has died back their rubbish became exposed and a full bin bag of cans, BBQ trays and other rubbish was picked up recently. 

The Councillors raised no issues.

Mr R Whiting spoke about the Community Infrastructure Levy and possible benefits for the Parish. The Parish Clerk reported that Monxton Parish Council have organised a Planning Training session with Paul Jackson, the Head of Planning at TVBC, for the following evening.
Mr R Whiting and the Chairman will attend.

The Chairman thanked everyone for coming and closed the meeting.

18th March
17th June
16th September
18th November

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