Quarley Parish Council Minutes - 21st July 2015

Minutes of the Quarley Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 21st July 2015 at Quarley Village Hall at 7.30 pm.

Present : Cllr Mrs J Ferguson - Chairman
Cllr Mr W Marshall - Vice Chairman
Cllr Alison Thorne
Richard Waterman - Parish Clerk
County Councillor Mrs Z Brooks
Apologies: Mr R Whiting, Borough Councillor Mr Ben Few Brown and Mrs J Venables

WELCOME. The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting, especially Alison who has joined the Parish Council.

Mrs Joanna Fersuson, Mr William Marshall and Mrs Alison Thorne signed the Declaration of Office.

Cllr Mrs J Ferguson declared an interest in Quarley Church. 

The Chairman signed the minutes of the previous meeting as a true record. Matters arising from those minutes :- 

VILLAGE DESIGN STATEMENT – No further news to report. 

HIGHWAYS - Highways have repaired several more of the potholes in the parish but have still not cleared the gravel bank on the last corned before Grateley, this job was agreed at least 7 years ago at a site meeting with Highway Officers. Cllr Mrs Z Brooks suggested that a photograph of the offending corner and gravel bank be forwarded to her and she will make sure that it gets to Tim Lawton the Director of HCC Highways. 

It was noted that there have been fewer Nelson Lorries in the village of late and those that have been on the road have been more courteous to pedestrians and horse riders. 

BUS STOP SIGNS – The Bus Stop sign has now been reinstated. 

WAR MEMORIAL – The Clerk was pleased to report that the Parish Council have received a £500 grant from TVBC towards the refurbishment of the War Memorial. This grant is a match funding grant from Cllr Mr Ben Few-Brown’s Community Budget. The Clerk will now contact Mr Cullen for an up-dated quote. 

There were no new planning applications. 

The Clerk gave the financial report for the period 1st April 2015 to 21st July 2015.

Balance Brought Forward 1/4/2015 978.10
Plus precept 1,125.00
TVBC Grant - War Memorial 500.00
Wages 166.68
Administration 171.20
Audit 100.00
Hire of Hall  (2 Years) 125.00
Web Site 45.50
Grass Cutting and Ditch Clearing 120.00
PCC 100.00
Bank Account Balance £1,774.72

The Chairman reported that she had attended the Planning Meeting on the 16th July and had booked a 3 minute slot to speak with Quarley Parish Councils objections to the Solar Farm planning application. 

Cllr Mr Ben Few- Brown had asked Cllr Mr P Lashbrook to stand in for him as he was away and unable to attend the planning meeting. Cllr Mr P Lashbrook did not turn up, the vote was 5 for and 5 against, if he had appeared to represent Ben, the vote would have been 6 against and 5 in favour. The Chairman cast his vote in favour of the Planning Officers recommendations to approve. Very disappointing! 

The Chairman reported that David Dean from the Solar Company has been in touch and has confirmed that Quarley and Amport Parish Councils will each receive £10,000 when the new Solar Farm is connected to the National Grid. 

The Chairman asked for the Parish Council’s authority to write to David Dean to confirm that the Parish Council are willing to accept the £10,000 on off payment once the Solar Farm has been connected to the National Grid. All were in agreement. 

The Parish Council discussed the £10,000. The initial thoughts were to bank the money and liaise with the parishionners as to what it should be spent on, a project or projects that will benefit the village would need to be identified. The Parish Council were mindful that this is a one off payment and that it should be spent wisely. This will be discussed further once the money has been received. 

Mrs Judy Venables sent her apologies but had reported that it was encouraging that subscribers to the Neighbourhood Watch crime alerts are increasing. 

Cllr Mrs Z Brooks reported that Kit Malthouse MP has organised an Broadband Workshop in St Mary Bourne on the 24th July 2015. The Chairman stated that she had hoped to attend but unfortunately would not be able to. 

CLLR MRS A THORNE - Reported that the pavements in Etwall are beginning to breaking up again due to weeds. This will be monitored and reported to Aster Communities. 

CLLR MRS J FERGUSON – reported that she has received several complaints about a new entrance and gates that have been installed at the top of Park Lane. The hedge has been cut down to install the gates. It was felt that as several complaints have been received the matter should be reported to planning at TVBC as it was not sure if permissions needed to be applied for. 

The Chairman thanked everyone for coming and closed the meeting. 

17th November 2015 in the Quarley Village Hall at 7.30pm.

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